Snails Everywhere


Fish Fanatic
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Long Island NY
Ok, I bougth some ramshorm snails about 15 about 3 months ago, and i know they give birth to live little snails. However, there was a small black snail with a regular shaped shell( you know like those regular garden snails), however this last week or so I have seen what looks like hundreds! of little baby snails that look like this small snail. ( they do not look likr ramshorm snails). what other snails give birth to live snails? they are everywhere!!!what are they?
Also, do your snails "crawl" on the water? mine actually can crawl upside down in the surface of the water....weird. Thanks for any help.
oops the snails i bough are malaysian trumpets..... the mystery snails looks exactly like a ramshorm.. but they lay eggs. I have not seen any egg sacs and there is only one.. so i have not idea what it could be?
oops the snails i bough are malaysian trumpets..... the mystery snails looks exactly like a ramshorm.. but they lay eggs. I have not seen any egg sacs and there is only one.. so i have not idea what it could be?

I have a health population of pest snails at the moment... MTS, Ramshorn and one i'm not sure of. I'm feeding less now to try and stop the population growing.

I have never seen any egg sacks for my Ramshorn but there are hundreds of tiny snails so there must be eggs somewhere. I think there lay their eggs on the the underside of the plants and these eggs are really small (less than 1mm each) making them hard to spot.
the snails are in my cherry red breeder tank, so a clown loach will get to everything! I looked under the leaves of my java fern and did not see any egg sacs there. But there is only one of those snails that look like the ramshorn- how could the eggs be fertilized??
Blanch a large piece of lettuce and or cucumber, stick it in a glass, and the plop the glass inside the tank. Leave for a few hours, remove glass and snails. Rinse, wash, repeat until satisfied.

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