Snails driving me mad!


Fish Crazy
Nov 20, 2004
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Isle of Wight U.K.
:crazy: I've got a serious snail issue going on here!

In my lil 12g tank i've got thousands of the little slippery *******!

I've put lettuce leaves in there, i've put cucumber in there 2 try 2 eliminate some of them... i even got 3 clown loaches 2 eat them but i can't get rid of them!

I'm now @ the end of my tether! Has any1 got any more advice 4 me? I'm open 2 suggestions! Kaz :-(
I have snails too. I have no clue where they come from since i haven't added anything for about a month in my tank?

anyway, my female bettas snack off on them. I have a ton of empty snail shells on the bottom. I take them out when i find enough.

you could perhaps try a product that kills snails, though I would take out the fish before...
the man @ my lfs said there is no treatment that he knows of 2 get rid of snails but i've read on here last week that there is something, just cant remember the name of it now!!! D'oh :X
I've got a huge snail problem too! :/ Personally I would not use a snail killing chemical because, with that ammount of snails I will deffinately polute the water from dieing/decaing snails. Also I have quite a few molly fry in the tank and I don't want to hurt them.

Do your loaches Help the situation even a bit?? I've got 2 clown loaches in another tank and I was thinking of putting them into this tank for a month or so just to clear them up
Candyco said:
In my lil 12g tank i've got thousands of [snails]...I've put in...3 clown loaches to eat them but i can't get rid of them!
Three fish that get to a foot long in a 12g tank?


Stop feeding the clowns and they'll wipe out your snails in no time. then get them out of there!
yup starve your loaches for a couple of days,and you wont see a snail again,then maybe you can get your lfs to exchange your clowns for smaller loaches (chain or zebra do a good job on snails )
After the last snail disappears, leave the loaches in for a while longer just incase there are numerous batches of snail eggs waiting to hatch in your aquarium.
I had a great experience using yoyo loaches to eradicate snails in a small tank.
IMO the number of snails is directly proportional to the amount of food available. Feed less.
SirMinion said:
Candyco said:
In my lil 12g tank i've got thousands of [snails]...I've put in...3 clown loaches to eat them but i can't get rid of them!
Three fish that get to a foot long in a 12g tank?


Stop feeding the clowns and they'll wipe out your snails in no time. then get them out of there!
Had a bad case of white spot in that tank recently & lost 2 of the clown loaches (4got 2 mention that b4) th 1 remaining got picked on so is now in a different tank.... They didn't seem 2 do much about the snail problem though, Something tells me their snail diet was gettin on their nerves!!!

Just got back from my lfs, got a pot of Anti-Snail.. is it wise 2 use this? It says on the box that it knocks the snails out so u can get them with the gravel cleaner.... they don't seem 2 like going up the cleaner tho! Am getting 2 the point now where i'm thinking i should just totally blitz the tank (moving the fish temporarily 2 another tank) & start again!
Candyco said:
Am getting 2 the point now where i'm thinking i should just totally blitz the tank (moving the fish temporarily 2 another tank) & start again!
That's possibly the best option.

I'd avoid using the chemicals, because if it simply kills the snails, then you'll have a tank full of rotting snails... :sick:
Even though it was only a 12G tank i've never seen so many snails in all my life!!!!

Thoroughly cleared out the entire tank.... Now all i've got 2 do is cycle it again! :whistle: :X :whistle:


NO MORE SNAILS!!!!!! WH000000000PLA
OK, so you are redoing the tank, are the existing fish rehomed?Or are they just kept by someone else? The clown/s are they staying where they are? They/it should not come home. IMO they need a huge tank LFS says 4'. but reccomend a 5'

Yes you need to re cycle, but if you did the cleanout quickly (less than 2-3 hours) then you may still have friendly bacteria in the filter and wont need to cycle. Details of your cleanout would help here.

I put all the fish in my 30g tank with my 6 silver sharks and did a reasonably quick change.... was it wise of me 2 rinse the filter sponge in the water i took out of the "snaily" tank? I've got it all up and running again now. How long do u think i should leave it b4 i return the fish? :/

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