Snails and Salt


May 24, 2005
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Western Washington
I know snails can't live in water that has salt, but can they tolerate any at all? I got my mystery snail and then remembered a few days later that I may have used a bit of aquarium salt in the last water change (I didn't record it in my records, but I thought I remembered doing it). Anyway, just to be safe I moved him to my ten gallon, where there is no salt and I like him so much there but I NEED him in my three gallon because that one gets sun and the algae is growing like mad. I did a 25% water change yesterday with water with NO salt. Is it safe yet to put the snail back in?
snails are very sensitive to salt and shouldnt be put in a tank with ANY salt so dont go ahead and try!!!!!it could kill him
snails can handle more salt than you would think, apple snails hang out in florida estuaries and if there in a bad state can climb out of the water. Snails are intollerant of Crystaline salt, desolved is okay to an extent
If its only a 3gal tank you should be able to find somwhere for it that isn't infront of a window for a couple of days so the algae will die off. Either that or just close the curtains on the window or put a towel over the tank to cover it off from the sunlight ;)

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