Snails And Flourish Excel


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
I've been dosing our tanks w/ Flourish Excel. Overdosing our 29gal and have noticed that the trumpet snails have been climbing the tank glass during the day.
Usually it's just 1 maybe 2 that I'll spot during the day, but since ODing the tank, they're ALL over the tank walls.
Does Excel hurt them?
ive never used it but check for copper...most all inverts dont like a lot of copper.
Doesn't list copper *shrugs*
Think I'm gonna just have to abandon trying to get rid of the BBA w/ it and do a water change. If the snails are getting irritated by it, the fish probably aren't too far behind.
Maybe an unlucky coincidence, but after reading up loads and deciding it was safe for shrimp based on others experiences, I dosed it into my shrimp tank and 7 Malaysian rainbow shrimp were lying on the substrate dead when I got home 6 hours later.

Amano shrimp and cherries didn't look at all bothered though, and I had used it in a tank with amano shrimp before (though those shrimp eventually died for unknown reasons a month or two after I started).

I am also having this problem with my nerites...
I am overdosing only 5mm / day extra.

My Amano shrimp and cherries do not seem bothered at all.

Lost 2 x nerites now, so will revert to the recomended dose now as the algae has virtually all gone...

Just thought i'd let you know, your not alone..

why not get rid of the BBA properly?

you need to increase CO2 and or flow

The proper way? And who is to say that using excel isn't a proper way... -_-

ANYWAY..... I did clean out the filters so the flow is better. Still alot of BBA in the tank but not as much as before. Looks like a lot of the plants are growing new leaves, so will probably just have to trim off the ones that still have the BBA on them.

I stopped using excel for a couple of days. Haven't seen the snails all over the tank walls so def think it was the ODing of the excel causing them to act strange.
Have to agree with truck, while in fish keeping defining a method as "proper" probably isnt the best thing to do, using excel as an algaecide is curing the symptom and not the actual issue. People prefer to do this because it requires less patience and effort, but most of the time, the problem does not solve itself and as soon as you stop dosing excel, it comes back.

This is what excel is: [URL=""][/URL]. It's no surprise that it harms invertebrates, and probably isnt great for fish over the long term.

However, for some tanks I'd go ahead and presume it's doing very minimal to no damage, depending on how fast the plant's can take it up. I'm going to further presume that this is why reviews of it tend to be so contrasting ("it killed my shrimp!" compared to "it got rid of my algae and has improved plant growth!"). I think it's a great product for tanks such as iwagumi planted scapes, as it quickly deals with algae problems and helps plants, allowing the designer to finish the scape and move on to a new one, but don't recommend it for tanks that are intended to stay long-term.

I read that page in the past and decided to use it anyway (not as an algaecide, but to provide plants carbon), and noticed no side affects on any fish, but as I mentioned, I used it recently and it killed quite a few shrimp.
SIGH... I wasn't only using it to get rid of the algae, although that was the purpose of me ODing it :p heh
I think the cause of the algae was b/c the filter outflows have only been a trickle for the past month now b/c well.. I've been too lazy to clean the filters out heh :blush:
I've since cleaned them out to get the flow going again, so hoping that will help to clear it up some more. I've been dosing w/ excel (not oding) every other day and snails seem to be acting normal.

Anywhooey! Whole point of this thread was just to comment on how it was affecting the snails and if anyone else had experienced it before. Guess the bottles warning of not ODing is there for a reason.. who would've thunk it! :p heh

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