Snails And Cuttlefish


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
We have fairly hard water (I don’t know what the levels are however)…but I received some snails last week with a fair bit of shell erosion; I was wondering would it be better to add some cuttle fish to the water or will they be ok?

If so how do I add it; so I literally stick a chunk in for a few days?
We have fairly hard water (I don't know what the levels are however)…but I received some snails last week with a fair bit of shell erosion; I was wondering would it be better to add some cuttle fish to the water or will they be ok?

If so how do I add it; so I literally stick a chunk in for a few days?

I would just break it into smaller bits, and drop it in the tank. you could also look a crushed coal as a substrate.

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