hi - I need some help please
do the larger snails eat algae but not plants .....and would keyholes try to eat them (they're rather partial to the little pond snails that came with the plants.
I have a couple of baby keyholes in one of my tanks that have been no problems - for the last 5 months peacefully living with guppies, ottos and cories BUT all of a sudden they have decided to move the gravel round and have been constantly giving the ottos a very hard time to the point that I moved the ottos (they were showing real signs of being stressed)
The ottos in their new tank are settling down and feeding again but would like to put something in where the keyholes are - which is planted, mainly java fern and water sprite - to help with the algae on the sides and back
I know nothing about snails...........and the only ones at the lfs are some they call apple snails - they keep them in cold water tanks with goldfish and tell me they are fine in a tropical tank
any advice would be really appreciated thanks - sue

do the larger snails eat algae but not plants .....and would keyholes try to eat them (they're rather partial to the little pond snails that came with the plants.
I have a couple of baby keyholes in one of my tanks that have been no problems - for the last 5 months peacefully living with guppies, ottos and cories BUT all of a sudden they have decided to move the gravel round and have been constantly giving the ottos a very hard time to the point that I moved the ottos (they were showing real signs of being stressed)

The ottos in their new tank are settling down and feeding again but would like to put something in where the keyholes are - which is planted, mainly java fern and water sprite - to help with the algae on the sides and back
I know nothing about snails...........and the only ones at the lfs are some they call apple snails - they keep them in cold water tanks with goldfish and tell me they are fine in a tropical tank
any advice would be really appreciated thanks - sue