Snails / acrylic cover


Fish Addict
Oct 10, 2018
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Hi -can i add a couple bladder snails to the white cloud minnows?
The screen cover for the snail tank is rusted and i even noticed a hole in the screen.
I have a clear acrylic top that will cover the tank. Will they need more air, like that a screen top offers?
I don’t have bladder snails in my tanks, but I see no reasons why you can’t if you want them, assuming your GH is 8 or higher.
What are the dimensions of your tank: length, width and height? A photo to show what it's like?

Can you leave a bit of opening on one side of your tank to let air in and out, say ½ an inch opening? Alternatively, you can drill some holes in the acrylic cover.
I don’t have bladder snails in my tanks, but I see no reasons why you can’t if you want them, assuming your GH is 8 or higher.
What are the dimensions of your tank: length, width and height? A photo to show what it's like?

Can you leave a bit of opening on one side of your tank to let air in and out, say ½ an inch opening? Alternatively, you can drill some holes in the acrylic cover.
Thanks- i never wanted bladder snails but i probably got some on plants i bought. They take over the tank. Not much to do about it- chemicals will kill the shrimp.
I have a goldfish bowl for bow that i need to upgrade. I wanted a little table top fish bowl/ tank. My shrimp tank are in the same room where i watch tv, but. Ehind me. So i thought it would be peaceful for me to have fish i could watch. Fish have always been a calming effect.
But besides realizing the bowl is too small, the inside of the plastic bowl sides are cloudy- in front of the filter. I have a 3 gallon tank this spring i had trouble with walking- old age 74?- i'm better but carrying the 3 gallon down stairs to clean would probably not end well. Alternative is buying a bew filter set up.
SorrY- certainly these problems are not even close to important as i see on the news
real suffering. But i always been given kind advice on the forum. Thanks for listening.
My Python cleaning system is a large size that i used to use on a tank i used to have on the far side of the house. I can't get to work on a distance half as long🤷‍♀️
Can you cut theA
I don’t have bladder snails in my tanks, but I see no reasons why you can’t if you want them, assuming your GH is 8 or higher.
What are the dimensions of your tank: length, width and height? A photo to show what it's like?

Can you leave a bit of opening on one side of your tank to let air in and out, say ½ an inch opening? Alternatively, you can drill some holes in the acrylic cover.
thanks i had a longer reply but right now my cockatoo is out of his cage for playtime. He's very spoiled and doesn't like me to be using my phone or looking at TV! He either chews my clothing or look for a place in the room where i'll say No and pick him up. Funny little guy- but he manages to have me lose my message. Even he knows i'm not techy. So i'll reply with a different question later.
Here he is shredding newspaper. Better choice than my clothes or furniture?😉


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You’ll keep the snail population to a manageable level if you don’t overfeed the fish. In my tank where I have a single paradise fish, the fish eats all the food within 20 seconds (it's a slow eater, like the bettas). In a 4' tropical community tank, all is eaten within 1 minute. In a Malawi cichlid tank, all food is gone within 10 sec.

If you swap the fish bowl to a decent size rectangular tank, you’ll find cleaning is a lot easier because of the flat surface. All that’s needed is a magnetic cleaner or a scrubber with a long handle, and there’s no need to net the fish out to clean it.

Changing water - perhaps you can look at getting a small submersible pump so that there’s no need to carry water to and from the tank. A few members use pumps, do a search for submersible pump.

Can you cut theA
I assume you meant to write “Can you cut the Acrylic sheet?”
You can if you have the tool, otherwise an acrylic shop can do it. Or you can just leave a gap on one side, like in the photo.

Nothing we can do about old age, we'll all get there - if we don't go too soon, that is 😕.


  • 20240810_120046.jpg
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You’ll keep the snail population to a manageable level if you don’t overfeed the fish. In my tank where I have a single paradise fish, the fish eats all the food within 20 seconds (it's a slow eater, like the bettas). In a 4' tropical community tank, all is eaten within 1 minute. In a Malawi cichlid tank, all food is gone within 10 sec.

If you swap the fish bowl to a decent size rectangular tank, you’ll find cleaning is a lot easier because of the flat surface. All that’s needed is a magnetic cleaner or a scrubber with a long handle, and there’s no need to net the fish out to clean it.

Changing water - perhaps you can look at getting a small submersible pump so that there’s no need to carry water to and from the tank. A few members use pumps, do a search for submersible pump.

I assume you meant to write “Can you cut the Acrylic sheet?”
You can if you have the tool, otherwise an acrylic shop can do it. Or you can just leave a gap on one side, like in the photo.

Nothing we can do about old age, we'll all get there - if we don't go too soon, that is 😕.
Hi actually i started to say can a Python cleaning system be cut down? I was interrupted by parrot- shown above🥰
He started to chew my clothes and i put my phone down and lost my message. That little guy is a source of laughter and happiness, but he also knows if he's naughty- he'll get my attention!☺️
I don’t have bladder snails in my tanks, but I see no reasons why you can’t if you want them, assuming your GH is 8 or higher.
What are the dimensions of your tank: length, width and height? A photo to show what it's like?

Can you leave a bit of opening on one side of your tank to let air in and out, say ½ an inch opening? Alternatively, you can drill some holes in the acrylic cover.
Thanks :)

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