

New Member
Mar 5, 2012
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Manchester, United Kingdom
I have a snail in my aquarium that came with some of my fish, its about 2cm-2.5cm and i thought snails generally attached themselfs to the glass or plants etc but mine seems to dig in the sand and dissapear and then re-appear somewhere else, is this normal? :L
I have a snail in my aquarium that came with some of my fish, its about 2cm-2.5cm and i thought snails generally attached themselfs to the glass or plants etc but mine seems to dig in the sand and dissapear and then re-appear somewhere else, is this normal? :L
Pics of said snail? Might be a trumpet snail if it has a long shell.
The type of snail you most likely have is whats called a Malaysian Trumpet Snail. They are very common "pest" snails that can multiply very fast and are a key components in my heavily planted tanks as they move around the sand and disturb it to lessen the chance of the sand getting compact. There is no possibly way for me to attain the stirring of the sand without those snails as its virtually impossible to reach the bottom of the tank
The type of snail you most likely have is whats called a Malaysian Trumpet Snail. They are very common "pest" snails that can multiply very fast and are a key components in my heavily planted tanks as they move around the sand and disturb it to lessen the chance of the sand getting compact. There is no possibly way for me to attain the stirring of the sand without those snails as its virtually impossible to reach the bottom of the tank
Makes me want to get those even more now. o_O Though I already have a common pond snail roaming around there but he's too small and I rarely see him.
Pond snails typically stay towards the decorations, plants, and sides of the tank, and I rarely see them roaming around on the substrate. I commonly see my ramshorns and Malaysian trumpet snails on the substrate area though
After looking at some pictures of trumpet snails it does look like one of those, i only have one, will it do any harm or is it just a good addition to the tank? :)
Pond snails typically stay towards the decorations, plants, and sides of the tank, and I rarely see them roaming around on the substrate. I commonly see my ramshorns and Malaysian trumpet snails on the substrate area though
Mine is a ramshorn too, just that he's still growing. Named him Ramses.
He is everywhere: filter, tank wall, sand, on the catfish, at water surface walking on water upside down... but never on big plants.
Yes a loach will eat it if it can. Also if its female you will have hundreds of them very soon.

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