? Snail


New Member
Oct 4, 2011
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St. Marys
Hi. Several weeks ago we bought what were sold as mystery snails. They seem to be thriving, and we are very happy with them, but yesterday we found a new member. No eggs were found, and I check daily. No plants would have had them. One is blue , dark body (Eeyore) and one bright solid yellow, light body (Pooh). I have tried looking up what kind they actually are but I'm getting major mixed id's. They are not shiny like what I see on the pictures and with no eggs, I'm thinking live birth...and only 1; can't exactly tell color. Maybe yellow with stripes but clear
I keep seeing bladder snail associated with its description. Can anyone help? I will try to take pictures.
Some snails reproduce in a very weird way - - they grow a baby inside them and the top of the shell breaks off with the new baby using it as their own shell. I forget what kind of snail -maybe apple snails?
Haven't read that...but something crazy is going on. Baby(now named roo) is in a nursery box just as a precaution til I know more what kind it is so we don't loose anyone. Probably over cautious, but...
Apples snails are male and female, the female can store sperm for upto 3 months and will lay eggs that hatch in approx 28 days. You can get apples that have dark feet and blue shells or gold shells light fett, infact there are loads of variations from cross breeding. pop a pick up ill id it for you
Definately sounds like apple snails, however a pic of the baby would be ok; I'm wondering if it could be a pest snail or something or just some missed eggs? What colour is the baby if you can't get a pic?

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