Snail Wont Stop Laying Eggs!


Fish Crazy
Aug 4, 2012
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I have a snail, she's a mystery snail. Yes, I once had another snail but he died quite a while ago. Ever since her first sack fell into the water and I couldn't save it, all her sacks would fall into the water (whether she pushes them or they fall, I don't know) and she will lay another sack the day after it falls. Why does she keep laying eggs and WILL SHE EVER STOP?? I don't want them anymore. I don't even think any of them have anything in them anymore! She just keeps laying these egg sacks and I don't want her to! She almost stopped this time; it was a few days before she laid another sack... today.
Also, when she does lay them, how do I rid of them? I'm a bit afraid to touch them because I've never touched one before and they kind of freak me out. I don't know what it will feel like and I'm scared it will break if I touch it or something.
Snails will breed like rabbits, They'll never stop really. You just need to remove them and bin them if you dont want them.
I don't have a male though! He's been gone for about two months now! I don't understand how she can still be laying those eggs. :/
Most snails breed by themselfs does not need to be male or female.
You could mail a few to me. :p Sometimes I think I should buy some prolific snails to give my assassin a self-sustaining food source.
No worries, you can scrape them off the tank walls and just flush them. A snail will keep reproducing until it dies, getting a assassin snail would be a alternative choice if you don't want to touch the eggs yourself. An assassin snail will eat all the snails in a month.
I hope these pictures aren't too big.
It's not these guys I'm worried about:

It's a mystery snail. This was my male before he died:

This is my female that keeps laying the eggs even though Grover has been dead for a few months now:

She's almost the size of a baseball.
Assassin snails probably won't go for her if she's that big...Maybe you'd rather give her to someone else? I hear snails can store sperm for months, maybe she's just feeling lonely without Grover.
I would, but the only person I know who takes good care of their fish lives in Britain.. I don't think he'd take her anyways.
I just want to know if/when she will stop. 
Would the little snails like the ones in the first picture attack her? I've got a ten gal I can put her in (she's currently in a five gal- she wasn't that big when I got her, promise!) but it's got a LOT of those little guys in it.
She'll run out of her stored sperm eventually. So yes, she'll stop. Mystery snails seem to only be sexual breeders.

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