snail with fish


New Member
May 31, 2004
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i got a snail in my tank with other fish is it bad or not, im srry that i have a lack of knowledge with fish, but thats why i bought them cause i like to just sit there and look at them it makes me cool down when i mad or something, well if its bad for the snail to be in the tank with the other tropical fish please tell me.
It depends on the fish but it's not bad for them. Maybe for the snail though if the fish are the snail eating type.
First off, don't apologize for a lack of knowledge. Not everyone can know everything. The thing that sets you apart from others is that you're trying to learn. :) Everyone starts somewhere. (And I'm still just starting... :))

Sounds like you have a Box Snail (am I right here on the name, I remember reading about them, but can't remember anything from the article other than they are quite common.)

I do know that some fish eat snails, so if you're trying to harvest them, or keep them in your tank, you'll want to be weary of them. Which fish, you ask. Gee - I'd love to help you, but again, my memory seems to be lapsing...I can't remember!!! I have the article at home in one of my Fish books. I'll look it up for you if someone hasn't answered your question by the time I get home tonight.
well thank you :D , well i observed my fish for a while and it seems the fish or the snail arnt bothering each other, and i appreciate it guys thank you.

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