Snail Shop


Fish Fanatic
Jan 10, 2007
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Hi, I was wondering if any one has used recently and if they are any good? Im thinking about adding a nerite snail to my tank and am just sourcing places where i can get one.

Also how mature should your tank be before you add a snail? Im a bit of a newbie and have had my tank set up for over a month with 6 white clouds in it for about 2 weeks.

Thanks for the info.

Hi JDWolf,

Welcome to the forum :D

There is already another thread about this shop in this section. Have a read.

Regarding whether your tank is mature enough, it's easier to tell if you have test kits for ammonia, NitrItes, NitrAtes, etc. I think there are also threads in the newbie or general sections to help you with cycling your tank. good luck.
One tank of mine was set up for two weeks (using old water admitedly), I added two Columbian apple snails and they are fine, breeding nicely. As mentioned, the delivery is odd, but very clever. I have just ordered more snails for my self from them!
Though one thing to note about nerite snails is that they lay eggs all over your tank, nothing will eat the eggs and they are apparently a pain to scrub off. They wont hatch either :) .
thanks for the info, think i might get a apple snail instead. Dont fancy scrapping eggs off my tank!!!

Also thinking about getting a cherry shrimp, but heard the tank needs to have been set up for a long time before it is added.
The tank needs to be 6 months mature for some filter feeding shrimp, but not cherry shrimp.
Though you wouldn't get just one cherry shrimp, they like to be in groups and you would never see it, you should get at least 3 :good: .
i've not heard of nerites laying irritating eggs in the tank. they wont hatch in freshwater anyway so its not much to worry about. they are also much more efficiant at eating algea than apple snails. at my LFS we put nerites in every tank and now they are totally algea free!
I think you are confused about the nerites they dont breed in fresh and are actually better suited to brackish tanks.My gf has a bumblebee nerite she got off snailshop but the water is very high alkaline so it does fine.
I disagree, 500 snails in the aforementioned fish store, no eggs and little deaths (exepting the obvious ones in 500 snails) I feel tells a different story.
My own nerites are doing fine in their freshwater tank, and no eggs.
I disagree, 500 snails in the aforementioned fish store, no eggs and little deaths (exepting the obvious ones in 500 snails) I feel tells a different story.
My own nerites are doing fine in their freshwater tank, and no eggs.

better suited to brackish tanks

He didnt say they would die, he just said that they are better suited to it. And he's right in saying that the eggs hatch in brakish water.

The snails sold by snailshop are stated as freshwater though.
Yeh I got some from my lfs(a fraction of the price snailshop sell them at too)and put them in my gf's clawed frog tank but as the ph gradualy dropped the snails began looking sick then we lost a few.It was after that I researched them a bit and found they need very hard alkaline/brackish and even marine conditions.We moved them to tank that has crushed coral as a substrate and a very high PH and they are doing great now.
my apple snails (from

grew big at and healthy.
they also were very fruity and mated 24/7 and laid eggs EVERYWHERE

my Bumblebee nerite snail from snailshop was a fantastic cleaner and a pretty little fellow.

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