Snail Shell Receeding


New Member
Jul 22, 2008
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What would be the best for my mystery/ivory apple snail?

Egg shell

Cuttle bone from the bird section

calcium pills with magnesium from the health section minus vitamin D

or the plaster of paris recepies?
1600ml of Plaster of Paris (Dap brand from Home Depot)
800ml water
100gram Tetra Color Sinking Goldfish Granules

I have him with a Betta and i dont know if any of that will hurt the Betta ... should i have a separate feeding zone for the snail?
I'm not sure on what you are asking in the question. Snails don't normally need to be fed anything special as they will graze on algae and pick up bits of uneaten food. If the PH of the water is acid (below 7.0) then the shell will sometimes dissolve. Under these circumstances you should add some form of calcium to the water. Most people use a calcium additive from the LFS. You can use a rift lake water conditioner that will also contain calcium among other things.
Egg shell and cuttlebone are unlikely to affect the water quality or do much for the snail.
Adding crushed coral to your filter may help in the long run.
bettas will be fine in alkaline water as long as they aren't wild caught. So if you have a fancy long finned male siamese fighting fish it should be fine is water with a PH above 7.0

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