Snail Problem


Fish Crazy
Apr 20, 2003
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hi, i'm kinda new at live plants in a tank, i have a snail problem. i wanted to know if they will damage my plants, if so how do i get rid of them without chemicals? i have alot of fry in that tank i dont want to kill them. the snails are doing a good job at cleaning but now i have more snails than fish, it's kinda gross! if anyone can tell me what kind they are and if i can feed them to my red eared slider i would greatly appreciate it! thanks to all
You might be overfeeding the fish, my snail population usually multiplies at an alarming rate when i overfeed, remove excess food that the fish dont eat straight away this is what the snails are feeding on, and check your filter is also adquate for the tank.

There are dozens of posts on snails if you do a search in the chit chat section you will find lots of tips.
you can buy small bottle of "snail be gone" and other names of stuff to get rid of snails. I have bought it and works wonderful. Now that I have a gsp now I want snails in my tank, lol.
you can buy small bottle of "snail be gone" and other names of stuff to get rid of snails. I have bought it and works wonderful. Now that I have a gsp now I want snails in my tank, lol.

The only problem with treatments like "snail be gone" is if you have a serious infestation whilst it may kill the snails it does not remove them from your aquarium, and unless they are removed they will pollute your tank as they rot and can cause ammonia spikes.
I never had a problem with that, never knew I had to remove them. I would remove the ones alive before I got the drops to put in tank.
CLOWN LOACHES!!! They're the best snail-eaters around if your tank is big enough. Oh, and the snails have to be little for them to go after them.

Cut down your feedings to every other or every third day, and in a few weeks your snail population will slowly decrease. Also, you can start squishing the snails between your fingers and the glass for a nice high-protein fishy snack...
Yes it is safe for fish and plants. I had touchy fish and lots of plants and had no problems arise from using it

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