Snail Mass Production


Fish Crazy
Aug 22, 2004
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Sacramento (City of the Governator)
I only had 3 apple snails for a while, after once having had hundreds of baby ones and giving some away and selling some , and then a bunch of them kept dying off, right when I found a good potential buyer. about a month ago I noticed the 2 big snails in very close proximity to each other and decided to put all 3 in my almost empty 10g tank with a few baby cories that had just hatched. The cories are 1 month old and I just watched the female snail produce her seventh egg clump last night, whille the tiny baby snails from clump nunber 3 were finanlly crawling out all over the tank, the first new baby apple snails in my house in about a year, I think. clumps 1 and 2 must have had problems. The first one looked like it was hatching but the snails never dropped in the water. It looked like the outside of the clump was never broken through and all the tiny baby snails just stayed in the middle. I wasn't sure if I should help them or not, but I left them alone until a couple of days ago, when I was scraping algae, and decided to go ahead and nudge the clump enough so if there were live baby snails in there, they could probably escape. That clump fell in the water pretty much whole about the time 3 hatched, but it still had tiny dry looking snails in the middle, and I could see them coming out of 3. I thought the second clump might have never been fertilised, but last night I looked with a magnifyer through the glass, and it looked like there were a few tiny dry snails in there too. I went a head and craked through the outside of that clump on 1 edge and it has fallen in too, but I don;t think any of the babies from the first 2 clumps lived. It seemed like it took longer for Momma Snelly's eggs to hatch, but they almost always hatched, including the first egg clump I ever saw, and that hatched way before she produced most of her other clumps.
I'm not sure why these guys are going so fast, but I suspect it's at least partly the heat. It's aroung 80f in my room most of the time lately, and it gets warmer sometimes. I did a rough count of the new hatchlings and I'm sure there are over 100 from clump 3 alone. We'll see how many I have when they are big enough to sell. The last store that said they'd buy some wanted them at least marble size, which is the saize of the 1 medium snail that's been living with the 2 breeding ones since I lost the rest. (dead ones smell so bad I almost didn't want to bother rinsing and keeping the live ones for a while there.)
I guess I'm wondering if anybody else has had problems with apple snail eggs sort of hatching but the babies never fall in the water. They're so small it would have been hard to tell when they were ready if they needed me to release them right when threy hatched. maybe they were too far from the water surface and too dry. I have kept the level down in this tank because the hatchling cories didn't need it much over the top of the sponge filters and there's a slow leak in the sealant about an inch from the top in 1 corner, maybe slight ly lower. The ones that didn't hatch were also the closest to the flourescent light in the hood, which I sometime turn off in the middle of the day to reduce the temp and sometimes leave on at night to do a little reading or sketching. I've tried to keep the hood closed because Momma Snelly used to wander out and find herself on the floor.

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