Snail Infestation :(


Fish Crazy
Nov 20, 2008
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I had 3 apple snails in my tank a few weeks ago, and when they laid eggs, i removed the eggs. but a few seem to have gotten away and now I've loads of babies. the adults are gone for out 5 weeks, so no more eggs are been laid, i think.
Ive used 2 differnet snail control solutions and neither have been completely successful.
ive decided to take the snails out manually when ever i see any, but im wonderin, how old do snail have to be, or how big must they be before they start to lay?
tried and tested method is to put a letuce leaf in the tank on a plate, leave overnight and by morning the leaf should be full of snails, simply remove, bin the leaf and start again untill its clear
Get some assasin snails! They eat them and are lovely!!

I bought 3 the other day.

Go easy on your feeding too, the more you feed your fish, the more snails you will get!
my tank is heavily planted and the adults that were in there ate alot of the plants, so i reckon the babies would do the same if hungry?

Ive never seen any other types of snails in any of my LFSs, but i prob wouldn't use them anyway. i think best to deal wit the problem, rather than by another animal to try sort it.
If i knew how big the snails were before they started to lay, that would help as then id hopefully have time to sen them all in tank and take them out when i see them
any one have an idea of how big they have to get?

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