Snail Identification


Mar 23, 2011
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North Carolina, USA
I looked at the pinned post on the top of the forum, but I can't conclusively decide on what type of snail this is. The LFS called it a "mystery" snail, of course, so I was hoping you fine folks could help me determine the species of what is now zooming happily about my snail tank.


Striped apple snail?
looks like a coloured apple snail

Yeah looks like an apple snail to me:

re mystery snails also apple snails? Or are they different types of snails?
A: In some sources the name apple snail and mystery snail are considered to be synonyms for the snails of the family Ampullariidae. The name apple snail refers to there size, colour and form, while the name mystery snail comes from the fact that the aquarium market didn't know what kind of snail it was or where it came from, so it was a mystery (snail) for them.
In other sources, the mystery snails are described as snails from the family Viviparidae. The snails from this family look very similar to the snails from the family Ampullariidae, but they do lack a lung and labial tentacles and are livebearing snails (hence the name Viviparidae).
Most snails sold as 'mystery snails' in the shops are Pomacea diffusa snails.
Related: 'Species' section.

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