Snail Help


New Member
Sep 19, 2010
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I have a small tank (23L) and have live plants and moss with gravel and 3 guppies, 2 endlers and 2 cherry shrimp. All are well and thriving (apart from some of the plants, sadly). I have an increasing number of small black snails that have appeared. Where have they come from ( I rinsed the plants well ) and how do I get rid of them and prevent their return. They are not attractive at all. I would like to add a golden apple snail but I don't want to be overrun with these either.

Thank you for any help with this issue.
I've been told that an assassin snail or two will take care of the problem. I'll be getting a pair or so soon to take care of my own snail problem. :rolleyes:
They usually come from your local LFS on live plants that you've bought.

It's something I'm told everyone encounters at least once, and is reallllllly annoying. All you can do is pick them out every time you see one, unless there are loads, and then you most likely have an underlying problem with water quality.

I just pick mine out, but I'm told an Assassin Snail would do the trick nicely, or there are various snail killing chemicals out there as well.

Don't use snail killing products they contain high dose copper which will kill your invertabrates and damage your plants. Get 1 assasin snail they won't breed if there's just 1.

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