Snail help


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2005
Reaction score
Isle of Man
ok well i have one apple snail and i have pink eggs above my water and ive just been told snails are asexual so im going to end up with more snails is there anyone that can give me any info on how long it will take for them to hatch what are the perfect conditions for them as i will be moving them into my 96 litre with my betta any other help like what they need when that are small would be wonderful as id love to keep them to adult hood

any help would be appreshiated

thanks vanessa
two words, planted tank

thats all you really need. Warm water is nice, but not needed
id already looked at that before i asked lol i think they will be infurile as ive had my snail for over 3 months now

thanks for the help vanessa

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