Snail : Green Hairy Snail (new And Special ! )


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May 12, 2008
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snail : green hairy snail (NEW and SPECIAL ! )

many green hairy is growing up at the shell
very long , very green and very special !





There seems to be a number of snails with algae growing on them being sold by distributors recently. One of them even names them "Don King Snails".
Oh good grief. :rolleyes: Where will they stop? Darn I wish my shrimp hadn't eaten the algae my plec had on it at one point, could have sold it for a small fortune. :fun:

Snails with algae on them, not new, and most definitely not special. On second thoughts, they are really special and who would like to buy some gold ramshorn snails with green hair off me? :hey:

This makes me wonder: Could I try to anchor java moss to a big apple snail? Might make a cool mobile home for ghost shrimp.
You probably could if you wanted to. And if you're really crazy, use java fern.

BTW, here's an image of the aforementioned "Don King Snail"


I think the "hair" looks better on the Nerite than the Apple. I wonder who came up with that name though. They could've been like apistoworld and gave it a simple name like "Green Hairy Snail", but instead they said "You know what, let's call it Don King Snail".
I am really crazy, and I know a store that sells huge snails (some of them a good 3 inches) and java fern. How would I go about it, just wire it to the shell and wait for it to take hold?
You probably could if you wanted to. And if you're really crazy, use java fern.

BTW, here's an image of the aforementioned "Don King Snail"


I think the "hair" looks better on the Nerite than the Apple. I wonder who came up with that name though. They could've been like apistoworld and gave it a simple name like "Green Hairy Snail", but instead they said "You know what, let's call it Don King Snail".


now you see where the name came from! quite apt don't you think.
Thats Soooooo Cool,
just been Looking at some of my snails and most of tri horned Bumblebee have hair algae growin on them. He He He

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