Snail Dead?


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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A little background.
Tank age: 1yr
Tank size:10 gal
Cohabitants: 2 platies (sunset and silver mickey)Apple Snail
Water parameters: PH 7 (needs to go up a bit), Ammonia: .50ppm, NitrIte: 0, NitrAte:0

My sunset platy seems to have dropsy, which I am trying to treat, using aquarium salt and melafix.(whatelse can I do?) Yesterday the snail found the cup of salt and decided to climb in the cup, it crawled inside itself and closed the trap door. I have never seen the snail crawl so high into itself and not come out for a algae wafer. I moved him to a tank w/ no meds or salt, but still hasn't come out, is he dead? he doesn't smell. He seems to have some bubbles on his shell too. help :(
most likely he found the salt very unpleasant and curled up to get away from it.

when these snails are startled or scared they will close up and can remain that way for days.

if he is not uncurling limply and does not stink, then I would not be worried. He is still alive. When he starts giving off a truly repulsive odor (like garbage mixed with dog poo) then he would be most definitely considered dead.

good job on putting him in his own little tank for the time being - - nothing can mess up tank water worse than a dead snail - they start rotting very quickly and can cause a HUGE ammonia spike.
Thanks for the reply. Im relieved that you said he is probably ok, I can't imagine telling my 7 year old that speedy has also died. My son had a rough weekend, we lost a swordtail, and the sunset platy is sick, and he went to school on monday and found out that the baby platies have also died there. So he has been emotional wreck and I didn't want to say the snail died too..

update.. the snail is now floating, he is still closed up tight, but floating on top of the water :/ Ok I checked him out closer. He has a bit of slimy stuff coming out and he does smell a little foul but he hasn't fell or anything like that. I think he is dead :(

Definately dead. I moved the trap door a bit and he came right out, all black and nasty. :(
Aww poor little snail.
Also I know you didn't ask about it, but regular aquarium salt will NOT help dropsy. It could cause it to bloat more if memory serves correct. What you're looking for is Epsom salt.
Thanks for the reply. Im relieved that you said he is probably ok, I can't imagine telling my 7 year old that speedy has also died. My son had a rough weekend, we lost a swordtail, and the sunset platy is sick, and he went to school on monday and found out that the baby platies have also died there. So he has been emotional wreck and I didn't want to say the snail died too..

update.. the snail is now floating, he is still closed up tight, but floating on top of the water :/ Ok I checked him out closer. He has a bit of slimy stuff coming out and he does smell a little foul but he hasn't fell or anything like that. I think he is dead :(

Definately dead. I moved the trap door a bit and he came right out, all black and nasty. :(
Snails don't like salt. it can kill them especially in very high doses. How did the snail end up in salt container? Did he crawl out of the water or was the salt container in the tank?

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