Snail Conundrum...


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales
Hi All,

I'm getting very confused by my snails.

My nano tank is going well, the water is clear, I am affected by hair algae (on one plant) and some fungus on wood, but this is slowly clearing, the plants are all growing really well, and now that the weather has calmed down, temperature is nice and stable.

Unfortunately all my snails (MTS and Nerite) were hit by excessively high temps in the warm spell, and since then, having been moving in absolute slow motion (I keep thinking the nerite is dead, but then he moves when I don't see it), and 2 MTS have emerged from the substrate, but just sit there.

possible reasons:

the heat was indeed a killer and they are barely clinging to life

the light on my tank is too bright (unlikely though, its nothing horrendous)

the fertiliser regime may have altered water chemistry - again, just following instructions and performing regular water changes.

something else?

I have still to pick up a test kit (pets at home want £30!! for their most basic one) and no pet shops in my area can test my water.

anyway, has anyone else had experience with very slow moving snails? (temp is 25'C btw)

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