Snail at the car wash…

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Mrs really likes her big white Mystery snail, in this tank… and while it does an excellent job cleaning up… it’s not very good about bathing… I haven’t noticed the Super Reds helping out… but the white long fin seems happy to help… snails shell was previously green with algae… looks pretty clean, since the addition of the “hairy fairy”
Looking at the closeup of the snail shell... PH might be a little lower than the snail is liking... may have to move it to a harder water tank... I don't think the shell is deteriorating quickly, as it's been in a couple tanks so far, all have been soft water tanks, & we've had it close to a couple years now...
If you have some mineral supplement for shrimps or fruit flavored Thumbs, try to put one on his path.
My mystery snail laid a clutch of eggs last week and then disappeared. I found her today lying outside the tank. Somehow she escaped despite a cover on the tank. Needless to say she had crossed the River Styx.
And Styx was dry... :(

I was looking for my nerites for days and found them under the access panel, grazing on algae they found there.

They go outside the water a lot, if there's a lid the humidity is high enough they will venture. If there no lid they stop at the water level.

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