Snail Advice


Fish Crazy
Nov 24, 2007
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I am interested in adding a few snails to me setup. What type of snails are suitable for a 40 gal freshwater aquarium. I do have plants and other community fish. Do they breed a lot, get eaten by other fish, what do they eat, etc etc. Any help would be great. Sorry if i'm asking stupid questions.

So long as your water isn't too acidic, nerite snails are great for cleaning algae, and apple snails are an all round active snail that's surprisingly fun to watch.

Apple snails are more prone to being eaten though, large catfish, loaches and cichlids demolish them, while barbs and other small nippy fish may give them hell by biting their tentacles.

Neither of those species are a problem when it comes to breeding, nerites eggs hatch out into larvae which only survive in brackish water, and apple snails lay large pink egg clusters outside the water - so you would notice them easily to remove them.
Have a look on this site at some snails to see what you like the look of. I can highly recomend apple snails.
Also dont be scared by the new wecome snail they have now on snailshop. I cant really see the point in it.

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