Smelly Tank


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2004
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Herefordshire, UK
Hi just wondering if the fish tank should smell a bit, when i come downstairs into the lounge where the tank is or if i come in from outside the room the tank is in is quite smelly, its not even a fish smell, its more like a pond/river smell.... there are no dead fish, im about a 45% water change every 2 days as im still cycling the tank with fish in it.... could anyone please tell me if the tank is meant to smell a bit or what it could be? thanx
doesn't sound good.... I am sure someone will be able to tell you what the problem may be, all I know is that the smell shouldn't be that bad! Do you have a hood on the tank? I am fish in cycling, with a hood on the tank, and I smell nothing in my room, and only the faintest aroma when i open the hood. Nothing too bad though.
What are your water propoties? I've herd that tanks with bad water propties or algea problems smell, I'm not to sure about it because i read it of a site.
PH = 7.5
ammonia = 0
Nitrite = 0.3ppm
Nitrate = 10ppm

The tank does just smells of "freshly turned eath" i think someone described it as. If i lift the hood up. I dunno i have never entered someones house being aware of the smell of their fishtank so im not sure why mine is smelling, could it be perhaps because its still cycling????
PH = 7.5
ammonia = 0
Nitrite = 0.3ppm
Nitrate = 10ppm

The tank does just smells of "freshly turned eath" i think someone described it as. If i lift the hood up. I dunno i have never entered someones house being aware of the smell of their fishtank so im not sure why mine is smelling, could it be perhaps because its still cycling????

Are you sure it's the tank? Couldn't be a dirty nappy hidden somewhere? A pair of grotty socks? A half eaten dinner lurking under the couch? Some frozen bloodwrom defrosted and forgot about? I'm not suggesting for a minute any of these things are in your house but it's worth considering the possibility. There was a terrible smell in our bedroom and I was blaming my husbands feet, then I remembered I'd put a dirty nappy in the rubbish bag I usually keep for my cotton wool balls when I clean my face.
Have you spilt any water on the carpet as carpet harbours smells.
When we open the lid of our fishless cycling tank my son says it "smells faintly like the locker room at school."
All my tanks have a slightly hot earthy smell. A bit like the amphibian house at the zoo. Anything else like rotten eggs or anything with a nasty smell is probably bad news.
A rotten eggs smell or sulphur means bad bacteria in your tank.
PH = 7.5
ammonia = 0
Nitrite = 0.3ppm
Nitrate = 10ppm

The tank does just smells of "freshly turned eath" i think someone described it as. If i lift the hood up. I dunno i have never entered someones house being aware of the smell of their fishtank so im not sure why mine is smelling, could it be perhaps because its still cycling????

Are you sure it's the tank? Couldn't be a dirty nappy hidden somewhere? A pair of grotty socks? A half eaten dinner lurking under the couch? Some frozen bloodwrom defrosted and forgot about? I'm not suggesting for a minute any of these things are in your house but it's worth considering the possibility. There was a terrible smell in our bedroom and I was blaming my husbands feet, then I remembered I'd put a dirty nappy in the rubbish bag I usually keep for my cotton wool balls when I clean my face.
LOL at blaming your hubbys feet, that made me laugh so much!!!!!!!!!!!

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