Smelly fish tank


Jul 26, 2003
Reaction score
New York
I have a question. My fish tank water smells. It’s not a bad smell at all. It’s an earthy smell, almost like flowers. Is this normal? :/

20 gal tank
12 small fish
5 weeks old
Hmm have you checked your ammonia levels in your tank?being a 5 week old tank this could mean your ammonia level has spiked.
if you havent, DO! and quick! :crazy:
if all your water stats are normal I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, our water smells a bit, even after water changes, its just from sitting there and fishy waste and such.
definately check your ammonia / nitrate levels though.
if you dont have a way of doing this, when did you last do a water change? if its been a while, then do one now!
if it is the ammonia spiking your fish arent guna be about for much longer.
act quick on this.


Hi - just ran and tested the ammonia it's either .5 or 0 it's hard to tell. The ph is 7.4 I was trying to lower it with sodium biphosphate but after reading all the posts about ph I'm not going to do that any more. My tap water ph is 7.4 so I'm just going to go with it. The smell seems to be constant in the tank it does not change or get worse. My fish seem to be happy. I'm the only one the smell seems to bother. :)
Glad to hear that then moe :D our water has a a bit of a smell about it as well.
just ammonia spikes can stink so I thought maybe it was that,glad your fish are happy :p ;) :D :rolleyes: have you got a hood on your tank? if not maybe u should trey getting one - that closes properly.that could help with the smell.


Have you got carbon in your filter, if not try that....
I have a hood and carbon in the filter. If fish can live with flower smell I guess I can too. Thanks for advice.

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