Smaragdinas ready to spawn again


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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My Betta Smaragdinas look to be ready to spawn again. It was only a few days ago that their other spawn hatched out. The male went more pale for about a day after the eggs hatched but he is so deep black/blue now and keeps displaying to the female. She looks to be getting full of eggs again.

Is that normal for them to want to spawn again so soon?? When will she have more eggs?

He has built a beautiful nest under an amazon sword leaf. I'm just wondering how can I go about doing a water change without ruining it? You breeders out there you must do water changes on your breeders tanks when the male is still in with the nest and eggs?

He'd probably build a new one if this one got ruined but still it's so big and thick and he's been working on it for awhile that I'd feel bad for him if I destroyed it :(
It's perfectly normal. I wouldn't worry about destroying his nest, if they're serious- he will rebuild. But, I syphon down as low as I can before the nest starts touching any decor. You should be able to remove and add water with ease. That is,of course, provided there are no eggs or fry in it. If there are eggs or fry the tank can do without a change until the fry are freeswimming.
Thanks Wuv for your help :thumbs: I didn't know that it was normal for them to breed so soon after. Also I did the water change and the bubble nest came out just fine :D

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