Smallest tank for a betta?


Jul 17, 2004
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East Sussex
I'd like to keep one male betta, inside my community tank in a divided section. But I need to know how much space is enough for him.

Also, how should I go about divinding the tank? What I thought was adding a sheet of clear perspex with holes in (small ones) so the water can still circulate (no need for another filter...), and I thought this would also mean that i wouldnt have to reduce the number of fish kept in the other side, as the surface area was still the same, does that make sense?

Thoughts? :D
no smaller than a gallon would be fine for him but when you divide it it will be taller than longer. so it its a 10g i would say 3-4gallons.
My tank is about 35g (uk), 120cm*40cm.

Can Bettas jump? Will it be able to escape the divide into the larger area? :eek:
Yeah bettas can jump, but mine didn't at all. But they can. LOL I don't know if they can escape or not but a word of advice, my brother's black goldfish died a day after he jumped out of the net while trying to change his water before we could put him in the seperate container! :rolleyes: :blink: :dunno:
yes ive had my old metalic green ct female die after she flew 4 inches out of her bowl :no: so yes i think you should have it covered.
If you want to get a betta, just get a 2 gallon bowl for 20 bucks along with it, it's not expensive and it won't look as tacky as a tiny part of your tank divided..
GodricPuffer said:
If you want to get a betta, just get a 2 gallon bowl for 20 bucks along with it, it's not expensive and it won't look as tacky as a tiny part of your tank divided..
I am seriously considering another small tank for a Betta... they're so purdy!
Small tank + filter + heater .... what else?
id go for a good deal at walmart or petsmart and get that 1g with light and filter for 10 bucks.

The perspex idea is great!! I had a setup going like that for awhile when I was younger. I drilled holes in a circular pattern in the perspex. I kept a turtle on one side and goldfish on the other...not sure if that is a good combination but it worked until the turtle outgrew the tank :D

I'd love to keep my Betta in my big tank but tried that and he actually attacked and killed one of my male guppies so I had to move him I have him in a 1.5 gallon bowl and he seems pretty happy. :thumbs:

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