Small Tetras

polly plec

New Member
Aug 13, 2011
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Hi all

Sorry if this is a silly question but would small tetras such as neons and glow lights shoal together? I have about 20 neons and wondered if half a dozen glowlights would be happy with them for a while or if I should just get more all together. I have just upgraded the tank and want to increase my stocking a little but have obv spent lots of money on the tank
Shoaling, schooling etc. is a defense strategy, if fish feel threatened, they school up with their own kind, or in mixed groups if the threat is large enough. The threat need not be obvious or dangerous of course. I've had tight schools of small fish in large tanks where there is no threat at all but there might be. In more densly planted tanks it is rarely seen unless there is clear and obvious danger.

A tight school is nice to see, for us, but usually means the fish are insecure or stressed.

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