Small Tanks


Fish Addict
Dec 30, 2006
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has anybody ever had a betta that they had to keep temporarily in a small tank and then when they upgraded to a larger one, the betta became nervous and wasn't himself? if this happened, would you put him back in his small tank and just keep up to date on water changes or would you add in alot of hiding spaces? what if you added in the hiding spaces and he spent all of his time hiding instead of swimming around like his old self? what if you left him in the larger one for say two weeks and he still wasn't his old self but when you put him back in his smaller tank he was himself?
is it possible some bettas just dont like larger tanks?

this is just a question, i was thinking about it while i was at work :lol:
i was wondering what some people would do in this situation, please don't argue, it is an opinion question.
Depends how small the smaller tank was. If this happened to myself... and say.. the smaller tank a gallon or less... then I would keep him in the larger tank.
I dont think I could keep a betta in a tank any smaller than a 5 gallon personally. I know alot of people have theres in a 1 gallon and they are happy and build bubble nests regularly, but I wouldnt put a betta in that size tank/bowl (no offence to anyone so please dont argue)
my guy is in a 2.5 gal but if i had the space for a bigger tank i would defo get one for him, he loves any open swimming space
i guess it just depends on the beta some are lazy (like mine) and dont need 5 gallons and are just as happy with 2
My personal opinion (and that's all it is) is that different fish like different environments. George loves his 6 gallon and goes all over the place. I moved another male betta from a 1 gallon to a 10 gallon, and he seemed "depressed" and was much less active than when he was in the smaller tank.
when i moved wally to a bigger tank, he didn't really seem to care. he still acted the same and there weren't any changes in his behavior. i don't think he cares where he lives as long as he gets fed. :)

if my fish was happier in a smaller tank, that's where i'd keep him. some people don't like big houses because they feel empty and lonely. some fish don't like big tanks.
interesting...very interesting :good:
Depends how small the smaller tank was. If this happened to myself... and say.. the smaller tank a gallon or less... then I would keep him in the larger tank.
what if your fish was obviously unhappy in a tank larger than one gallon? would you still keep him in the larger tank? (don't get insulted please, it's just a curious question)

interesting...very interesting :good:
Depends how small the smaller tank was. If this happened to myself... and say.. the smaller tank a gallon or less... then I would keep him in the larger tank.
what if your fish was obviously unhappy in a tank larger than one gallon? would you still keep him in the larger tank? (don't get insulted please, it's just a curious question)

i would try filling the tank with more stuff to make it more secure for him. my tanks has plants that covers half the top area, a piece of wood, a terracotta pot and a jug ornament. its cosy but still with lots of room to move. if he doesnt like it then i think he should be where he is happiest
the lowest i will go for any betta is 5 gallons, they are either alone in their tanks, or with ottos and snails or shrimp, any which i can move to other tanks, so my bettas can be treated with meds in the tank. so i dont need to have a temporary housing for my bettas. i hate to see bettas in small 1 gallon tanks, or those horrid cups or those "decorative" varses. all my tanks are heated and filtered too. even when people say there bettas blowing bubble nests and swimming around, i still think a bigger tank is better, my bettas all blow bubble nests, and swim around, and are active and happy. all my tanks have plants in (live) and usally a cave of some sort (some have round stones in). floating plants are used too.
the lowest i will go for any betta is 5 gallons, they are either alone in their tanks, or with ottos and snails or shrimp, any which i can move to other tanks, so my bettas can be treated with meds in the tank. so i dont need to have a temporary housing for my bettas. i hate to see bettas in small 1 gallon tanks, or those horrid cups or those "decorative" varses. all my tanks are heated and filtered too. even when people say there bettas blowing bubble nests and swimming around, i still think a bigger tank is better, my bettas all blow bubble nests, and swim around, and are active and happy. all my tanks have plants in (live) and usally a cave of some sort (some have round stones in). floating plants are used too.
what if (i know what if but hey) your betta was terribly lonely and just laid around after you upgraded to a five (say he was a rescue and you didnt have a spare at the time) and you left him in their for a while but he didnt change but when he was in the smaller tank he was active, blowing bubblenests, begging for food ect but in the larger tank he just hid all the time, would you keep him in the 5 then?
that would be a tricky one, but here in UK, bettas arent kept in cups, usally in tanks with other fish (usally the wrong fish, fish nippers etc) of course i wouldnt risk the bettas health for a bigger tank, but i would probally use my old 3 gallon shrimp tank and add the betta to that, keep him in there for a while, then to a 5gallon, so the space isnt increased so much at one time. but it would depend on the situation right then,and what i thought of at the time. but none of my bettas have been unhappy in a 5gallon yet (touch wood)
that would be a tricky one, but here in UK, bettas arent kept in cups, usally in tanks with other fish (usally the wrong fish, fish nippers etc) of course i wouldnt risk the bettas health for a bigger tank, but i would probally use my old 3 gallon shrimp tank and add the betta to that, keep him in there for a while, then to a 5gallon, so the space isnt increased so much at one time. but it would depend on the situation right then,and what i thought of at the time. but none of my bettas have been unhappy in a 5gallon yet (touch wood)
:good: please dont take anything personal, i'm just curious on how different people would take different situations.
see, you being in the UK your bettas are use to large tanks. ours are in dinky cups so even when ours are in temporary tanks they're like "woo hoo, space!!!!"
Personally i say it like this, the shop i got my betta from they were in those little compartments and are kept in those and nothing else whilst in the shop, so if you buy a betta from a store like that and plonk it in a tank which is 2.5 gallon or 1 gallon (which some people say is too small), then its alot bigger and better than what theyre being kept in at pet stores and should enjoy the extra space.

Now what you read next youre probably going to be thinking what is he going on about, but be patient. I must say, i have lived in a small room all my life, which is about 4m long by 2 and a bit metres wide (if that) in which i have a bed, shelves, large computer desk with large gaming PC etc, fish tank, an assembled shelf with 21" tv on, and its cramped for space, if i was to move into a room twice as big like my brothers or parents, id find it weird and prefer the smaller room - honestly, because iv adapted and been well organised with the space i have. Of course the bigger room gives a lot more space and freedom, but when youre used to something and have been for so long, its hard to adjust. And i guess that a fish or any other animal would be the same.

I know i have a chance to escape into the open world and all, but you can see where im coming from. Plus i spend alot of time in my room anyways :lol:

So moving the fish from the small tank to the bigger tank may take a while for it to adapt to because hes not used to it. Luckily my betta enjoys the extra freedom of my 10 gallon tank from that little compartment he was displayed in, and gets on relatively well with my corys.

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