Small Tank, Small Fish


New Member
Sep 27, 2007
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It has been several years since my last tank. I am wanting to try to start a small six gallon fish tank. I realize that this size is extremly small, and that nothing except a betta should be kept in it. However I have heard of people keeping some successful tanks that were this size. Since I am not new to the hobby, I understand the mantenience that this tank would require. I say all of this to ask if anyone could suggest some fish, besides a betta, that I could keep in a tank of this size.
Thank You
Just remember if you do puffers they need to be fed snails to keep their teeth from growing too long.
Dwarf puffers dont really get lonely, if you have two its more likely that they will fight instead of enjoy each others company.
If you do get two make sure the tank is heavily planted

Other options are
a trio of normans lampeye
school of spotted or galaxy rasboras.
A bunch of cherry, or some other type of shrimp =)

I actually have a heavily planted 5 gallon right now w/ a bunch of cherry shrimp and 4 dwarf cories (habrosus)

Make sure you have a heater and filter though preferable. (i have a heater and sponge filter (the power head would suck up shrimps))
And i try to do weekly or bi-weekly water changes on mine, i usually do 1/4 of the tank.

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