Small Snails


Fish Fanatic
Dec 30, 2008
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I have had an outbreak of small snails. I mean hundreds of them. All tiny (pin head sized) and white in colour.

Any ideas - good/bad/indifferent?


Defiantely look like snails to me - i'll get a picture tonight if i can get one! They are small!
Picture as promised. They're hard to photo as they are so small. That pics just a few of them!!

Still difficult to tell. Do they move at all?
If not, I have a guess of what they are. I can't remember what they're called, but possibly a type of tube worm. The white would be its calcium shell. In your picture they almost look spiral, which is why I suspect them worms. If it is them, they're perfectly harmless filter feeders.

EDIT: I remembered! Look up Spirorbid Worm pictures.
they're defo snails and they do move. I can see tentacles from the front of them!
Had a brain wave last night.

I *think* they are baby Nassarius snails. I put 6 adults in about 4/5 months ago and sort of forgot about then as they promplty went straight into the sand. 3 of them came out last night whilst i was doing a water change.

There are still loads of little ones all over the tank - how long would it take for them to grow up as i think i'll have a slight over supply of them!!
Baby Nass. Snails, for reference:
hmm they don't look like that!

I'll wait a bit more and see if they get bigger so i can get a clearer picture!
My guess is baby snails. What type of snails do you have in your tank? Maybe stomatella? They reproduce very easily and are common hitchikers.
like nemo said, they are Spirobid Worms. No worries, they are reef safe, completely harmless; filter feeders.

Most snails lay their eggs in patterns: zigzag, clutches, etc.. By looking at the picture and the fact that they are small,white,spreaded,shell-like creatures, im 99% certain they are Spirobid Worms.
I actually do have a load of Spirobrid worm shells over the tank.

But my snails don't look like the pic here:

They aren't doing any harm so I'm not worried would just like to know what they are!

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