Small Snail Eating Loach.....


Big and BAD!
Jan 20, 2006
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I`m having a few issues with snails in my planted tank and was wondering if there was a small loach (2 or 3 inches) that woul eat the snails but not tear up my lovely carpeting plants
In my experience most of the botia species eat snails. (same family as clown snail eater) I have several different species and none of the tanks seem to show snails,even though I know they are there.
I can't think of their latin names right now, (brain dead) "clouded" loach, pakistani loach etc..... Hope this helps,even though I am not able to be precise.
Its the smallest loach i`m after.....
Its a 60 gal tank but i want to keep it fairly low on the stocking.
and also a loach that can handle low ph would be good
Try typing chain loach into google. They are tiny,but botia species so will eat snails. Also the "clouded" loach I mentioned don't get big. I keep both types in a 60 litre tank which is planted. Let me know the proper names if they are any good to you.

PS Our ph in this tank is pretty much neutral.
Here is a list of Loaches that stay small and will eat snails...

Black Kuhlii Loach
Striata Botia Loach
Dario Botia Loach
Lohachata Botia Loach
Angelicus Botia Loach
Skunk Botia Loach

all stay under 4''
I`m quite liking the Botia angelicus....

Very pretty

I`m quite liking the Botia angelicus....

Very pretty

But i think for my tanks its going to have to be Botia sidthimunki the DWarf chain loach....
Probably your best bet for snail eaters are:

Botia Striata (zebra loach) - about 4 inches, more peaceful than other botia Can be harder to find.

Botia Kubotai (angelicus or burmese border) - a bit larger than the zebra, but peaceful and not overly expensive. Generally easier to find than zebra.

Botia almorhae (Lochata, YoYo or pakistani loach) - about the size of the Kuboti, a bit more agressive in my experience but not bad. Doesn't hurt other fish but will defend its territory against other similar fish.

Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki (dwarf chain) - about 2 inches but harder to find and more expensive ~$20. More social than some of the other species.

Yasuhikotakia morleti (skunk) - not a good community tankmate. It has an aggressive and active nature.

All of these should optimally be kept in a small group of 3+. Sand or rounded gravel are required. More hiding spaces will limit aggressiveness.
Yoyo loach is what i would reccomend - they cleared my tank of a snail infestation in under a week :).

Btw when i read the topic I though you mean you had a small snail that was eating your loach lol :stupid:
The substrate is ADA aqua soil (clay based, 3-4.5mm)
there are LOTS of hiding places in my tank as its heavily planted with lots ofbogwood.

My other issues would be PH, The ph of my tank is 5.7 can a loach handle that?
The substrate is ADA aqua soil (clay based, 3-4.5mm)
there are LOTS of hiding places in my tank as its heavily planted with lots ofbogwood.

My other issues would be PH, The ph of my tank is 5.7 can a loach handle that?

It is a bit low compared to what is normally recommended. Generally, a softer water around a pH of 6.5 or so is considered good for most species. They would probably be able to survive, but it's not "ideal."
I know its not ideal, but hoprfully over time as the substrate stops absorbing all the carbonate out of the water the ph should rise over time,
I know most fish will tolerate the ph this low if acclimatised right and can lead a full happy life, I also have quarantine/hospital tanks set up and ready to go shoul the Ph prove too much for them

You could just blitz the little sods with Flubenol 15. No hiding places from that stuff. It is not an instant solution (but is 100% sure): Just takes about two weeks to kill em, 1 month to make sure. It is NOT copper based, is a med, is fine with fish (can dose up to 20x recommended dosage), fine with filters & plants and had no effect on my shrimp.

I know nothing about the other small loaches but dwarf chain loaches are lovely - very sociable and active during the day - and they sit about on the plant leaves looking cute.

I don't think they eat snails that have got to any size - but they do eat snail eggs - so they'd help to keep the population down eventually (not MTS's - I've still got quite a few of them - but that's not a bad thing)

You could just blitz the little sods with Flubenol 15. No hiding places from that stuff. It is not an instant solution (but is 100% sure): Just takes about two weeks to kill em, 1 month to make sure. It is NOT copper based, is a med, is fine with fish (can dose up to 20x recommended dosage), fine with filters & plants and had no effect on my shrimp.


Its a planted tank and i will be introducing new plants constantly and so there will be lots of chances for new sails to get into the tank agan so something that eats them will be good...

I know nothing about the other small loaches but dwarf chain loaches are lovely - very sociable and active during the day - and they sit about on the plant leaves looking cute.

I don't think they eat snails that have got to any size - but they do eat snail eggs - so they'd help to keep the population down eventually (not MTS's - I've still got quite a few of them - but that's not a bad thing)

well ifthey eat the babys then there can be no next generation wich should be a good thing..
I do quite like them aswell

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