The substrate is ADA aqua soil (clay based, 3-4.5mm)
there are LOTS of hiding places in my tank as its heavily planted with lots ofbogwood.
My other issues would be PH, The ph of my tank is 5.7 can a loach handle that?
You could just blitz the little sods with Flubenol 15. No hiding places from that stuff. It is not an instant solution (but is 100% sure): Just takes about two weeks to kill em, 1 month to make sure. It is NOT copper based, is a med, is fine with fish (can dose up to 20x recommended dosage), fine with filters & plants and had no effect on my shrimp.
I know nothing about the other small loaches but dwarf chain loaches are lovely - very sociable and active during the day - and they sit about on the plant leaves looking cute.
I don't think they eat snails that have got to any size - but they do eat snail eggs - so they'd help to keep the population down eventually (not MTS's - I've still got quite a few of them - but that's not a bad thing)