Small Shrimp


New Member
Apr 5, 2006
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I know this sounds extremely ridiculous.. But i've got a ton(15 or so) of little snails in my tank, and I have no idea where they came from. I had two crabs at first, maybe 5 months ago, and then i gave one away and the other died. Then i was cleaning my tank and there was a third crab in the tank, and recently when i cleaned i couldn't find him or the corpse, so i duno what the deal with that was. But now i've got all these little snails running around on the glass and it's creepy.
If anyone has any idea what the hell is going on, clue me in.

Do you have any plants in your tank?

I know that's how we got half of ours :D
The snails could have come from eggs that were layed on plants or possibly even the crabs, its very common for this to happen :) .

The third crab? He's always been there. The dead crab you found was just a moult, wich i hear can look extemly lifelike with crabs :) .

Btw, what type of crabs are they? You know most crabs are brackish water creatures(even though petshops sell them as freshwater) and need somewhere in the tank to climb out?
Yeah they were red-clawed, I knew after i had bought them that they were brackish, so i gave one away but kept one, and he died. It does make sense that I flushed a moult.
But yeah I had some live plants for a while, they're gone now though. How big do these snails get? I might have to just scoop them all out because i can't gravelvac with them in there..

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