Small Plecs With Corydoras


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales
Hi all,

Well, I seem to have 2 (well 3) choices, and I'm a bit torn, wonder if I could get a few opinons?

I have a 106L (30x12x18" Aquarium) with good flow, sand substrate, cover and open spaces, at the lower end of the tropical spectrum (22-23'C)...

I currently have 3 bristlenoses (2 females, one immature can't be sexed yet), 1 bulldog and one pitbull plec, and 4 whiteclouds.

I have VERY limited fish stock in my area, and wouldn't try fish mail order (if at all) until the summer.

I have kept a few species of Cories over the years, including Peppers.

So, to the questions (sorry for the extraneous info!):

Option 1: I get a shoal of peppered cories (about 6?) - is the footprint of my tank big enough for everyone to be 'happy', and is the tank too deep (i.e. might it stress the little chaps having a long way to dart for air grabs etc. ?)

Option 2: I wait, and try and get hold of more pitbull plecs to go with the one I have? (but, obviously these get bigger than cories)

Option 3: I go a completely different route and get some hill stream loaches?


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