Small Plecos


Fish Fanatic
Jul 29, 2004
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Anyone know of a pleco that:
1. Stays pretty small (under 7 inches, preferrably around 5in.)
2. Is visible (I want to see my plec every day or three - not once a year)
3. Is cheap, non-agressive, and hardy. I want a lot of bang for my buck.

I don't have an algae problem, so I don't care if they eat much algae. I know bristlenose is probably the best choice, but I'd just like to know my alternatives.

Thanks for any help! :)
"Pitbull Pleco", aka LDA-25.

3 inches maximim, totally non-agressive, amazing algae eaters, plant-safe.

Mine are doing fine in regular tapwater, and I see them everytime I feed the tank.

Cheap, too. I paid $5.

That's one suggestion. I know there are others!

Clown Pleco (l104), get about 4in
Candy Striped Pleco (L015), get about 4in
Snowball (l102), get about 6-7in

I know there are more, but that is the only ones I can think of right now.
I think I may go with a candystripe; I've seen them available and they look nice. Any advice on them? Food? Special requirements?
Hairy Tiger Pleco (L-105)
(Peckolita sp.) only get up to 4 inches
have a look on planetcatfish.

There are actually a lot more small plecs than people realise.

Out of all the plec species we have only 2 of them will get over 6inches.
The ultimate small Plec.. the zebra plec..although you may need a bank loan to buy one at the moment. They're rarer than rocking-horse poop.
hahaha :lol:

yeah i've seen 'em.
I think I'll save a couple hundred bucks and just go for the candystripe. :D
SirMinion said:
The ultimate small Plec.. the zebra plec..although you may need a bank loan to buy one at the moment. They're rarer than rocking-horse poop.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I really want one of those zebra plecs! As you mentioned, however, they's rather 'spensive...

Check out the Rubbernose Pleco. I'm considering getting one of those for my 29 gallon.

aka Married Lizard :wub:

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