Small Hole in Fin


Fish Crazy
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
New York, NY
I just noticed that my betta has a small hole/tear in his anal fin :/ ... the long fin in the middle of his bottom side. Strange thing is that the hole is directly in the center of the fin... not near the edges as I would expect.

I'm pretty sure he probably got it caught on something when making a change in direction... either that or from the filter (he sure likes hanging out near there :blink: ).

Anyway... is there a specific treatment or medication that I should give him to help the process along? Mind you that my tank still hasn't cycled yet.

Or do I just let nature take its course to repair my betta's fin?
I'm afreaid nature taking it's course will only lead to more holes, try melafix or bettafix (same ingredients) it works wonders for torn fins
Thanks... I will take a trip to the shop at lunch tomorrow. :thumbs: I assume those products are stuff you add directly to the tank water?
IMO, all you need is aquarium salt... MelaFix makes your water smell horrible.... and if its not that bad of damage, his fins will heal naturally within a couple of weeks. Aquarium salt will help this process along.
The best treatment is natural. If you really want add salt. I never add salt to mine. Becasuse he breeds constantly and they get torn every now and again. No big probs shouldn't take to long to heal. Good Luck ;)
Liz05 said:
IMO, all you need is aquarium salt... MelaFix makes your water smell horrible.... and if its not that bad of damage, his fins will heal naturally within a couple of weeks. Aquarium salt will help this process along.
Malafix is only teatree oil in soluble form! Personally, I like the smell of tea-tree. I think it smells refreshing.

Incidently, after my tank was polluted on holiday, one of my guppies had a bit of fungus last night. I popped in some Melafix (treated the whole tank because it's highly contagious) and this morning everyone's fine.
I started Bettafix treatment on Monday and have noticed my boy is eating much less than usual. He will pick at one or two flakes and then lose interest. He's still moving about, so I'm not sure if loss of appetite is a side effect of treatment. Any thoughts?
You really don't need medicine to treat fins that have been torn. However the medication may slightly make ur fish lose some appetite. ;)

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