Small Fleas?


New Member
Dec 7, 2006
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Plymouth UK
Have just noticed lots of tiny pale coloured dots that seem to be jumping around the surface of my tank.They are too small to describe.Anybody have a clue what they are?I have not observed my fish either noticing them or eating them.
I have the same critters in some of my tanks, i forget what they are called, but they are harmless- when i disturb them my platys try to eat them :) .
its food but did u put it in or did it just form from bacterial or something
Just asking this, are you sure that your not on crack and its your airstones bubbles fizzing at the water surface?

If its not, well then I'm not sure what they are, leave your light on and let your fish eat em. :)
I don't know what they're called either, but I know exactly what you're talking about. I occasionally get them in my 2G betta bowl and 2.5G tank. I'm fairly certain that they're a "result" of overfeeding, so anytime I see them I cut back a little on how much food I provide.

They are harmless though. :) My bettas have no interest in them either.
They can get in your eyes also if you look into the tank when the lid is off.

They are springtails :good: .

See my topic here.

You get them everywhere, the pond in my garden has white ones in it, just a different species - that native.

But the ones in tropical tanks are probably tropical species.

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