Small Fish Right At Home In A Stream Biotope


New Member
Apr 12, 2012
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What are some fish that can fit in an 8 gallon and thrive in a stream biotope?
There aren't actually that many that can thrive in something that small. The only things that spring to mind are hillstream loaches and bulldog plecs, and even then you're pushing things. None of the shoaling stream-type species (zebra danios, WCMMs) would want to be in something that small.
BTW, if you post the same question in different places, things get confusing as to who said what in which thread. Therefore I have moved this thread into this section, and removed the other one.
okay i would recommend increasing you tank size just a tab, 8 gal is yea as TLM says not very big and most small nano fish require i would say at least 15 to 23gal i have a 23gal and altho I'm not doing a hip stream bio type i do have a large school of celestial pearl danio in there with a blue eyed BN pleco. my tank which is 88L (23gal) can be picked up from fish shops for around £35 so not to expensive and will give u more scope for fish plants and scaping your tank.
I suggest chili rasbora, if you can get them. They do well in smaller tanks, especially with plants. They are from streams in Borneo so fit your stream biotope. They are also quite colorful as well.

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