Fish Fanatic
I have some 10 watt filters that I got with the discounted 1 gallon betta aquariums that PETCO had a month or so ago, well my question is.....I have a 5 and 4 gallon tank and a 2 1/2 gallon critter keeper with males in each one, and on the top of the water there is a layer of film that I have to take a paper towel and get out. Someone told me if I had a filter in them to stir up the water it would help with having this film on the water top. I'm wanting to cycle my 4 and 5 gallon tanks--any suggestions on a good filter to use. Also if I put these small filters in my tanks and still do 100% change each week-will I get a partial cycle each time and how dangerious is this to accur.