Small Exodons


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
Long Beach, CA
well, i've finally decided to pick up a pack of exos. they're all pretty small, the bigger ones are almost or just about 2" and im not too sure what i should feed them other than flakes. i've tried medium sized crickets but they cant seem to tear it apart so after a while of struggling with it they just let it go. i'll probably pick up the really small crickets tomorrow and see how they handle those. i've also tried frozen krill but they can't get through the hard shell. the only thing they were able to decimate was a crane fly that i threw in the tank after it flew into my room(amazing to watch :hyper: ). so now the only thing that i can really think of is feeding them blackworms, but i've always been told that blackworms shouldn't really become a staple food for most fish(anyone wanna object to that?). i know that puffers are ok with it, it's been the staple for my t. turgidus for a while now. so what do you guys recommend i feed them? should i try some feeder guppies or ghost shrimp?
As well as flake they will enjoy all the usual frozen aquarium foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp and will be perfectly healthy on that diet. Flake makes up the main part of my Exodons diet.
If you want to see a bit more of their aggressive feeding tendencies then you can feed them fillets of small frozen fish such as silver sides/whitebait/lance fish, when i feed my Exodons fish i remove the head and then run a sharp knife down the belly to the tail so the fish can be opened up "butterfly" style, this makes the fish take longer to sink and flutters attractively making the Exodons attack it, once a frenzy starts a shoal of 16 will devour the fish within a minute.
well turns out that the small crickets are too small, they just swallow it whole rather than tear it apart so the whole shoal can get some. i tried the silversides and they seem to be taking it in well. the only thing is that when it hits the sand they tend to "lose" it for a while and they stop eating it until the current kicks it up again. maybe because the silversides are almost the same color as the sand? they also seem to go crazier for flakes than they do the silversides. probably because the flakes actually stay up in the water.

the "feeding frenzies" aren't really what i hoped it would be like :unsure: well, its nothing like what i see on the videos but its ok, they're still awesome fish. is there anything else i can feed them that might tickle their frenzy fancy?
How many do you have?

To get them really going into a frenzy at feeding time you need quite a lot of them and then dont feed them for a few days so they are all hungry and all want to get at the food at the same time. But for the most part Exodons are just big tetras which happen to be able to eat other fish if they want to.
i have 12 of them ..yeah i figured that i should just starve them for a few days

i was thinking of doing that at first but i didn't want them going for each other. a few days shouldn't hurt :good:
Coolest fish ever. Starving them a few days might do it, but also keep in mind they still may be acclimating to their new surroundings. Give em a bit to get their natural bloodthirst going. :)

Speaking of which, this reminds me I need to pick up at least 4 more little pack is getting short at 13 :(

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