Small Crack In Tack?!?

DarkEntity said:
Sealing it wont stop the crack from spreading.

You need to terminate the crack at both ends then seal it.

This has been gone over many times in the DIY section.


~ = crack
o = drill point

o~~~~~~~~~~~~o drill a tiny hole at both ends of the crack this stops the crack spreading as it has no where left to go. Once done get a sheet of glass that covers the crack by abuot 2-4" on each side and silicon it over the top.

That is the only way of stopping it spreading and making it watertight again.

This is good advice, I'd do this is if it really is a crack and not a scratch. If it's a crack, it will go all the way through from the inside of the glass to the outside and you'll be able to see the broken edges of glass when viewed from an angle. A scratch won't cause you any problems unless you give it a good heat shock (which is why you don't want to pour boiling water into fishtanks to disinfect them).

All that nonsense about water and air getting trapped and expanding are rubbish. A crack will run further from constant pressure (the stress of holding water in) or a hot or cold heat shock (suddenly exposing the glass to ice water or boiling water would do the trick, gradual changes will do nothing).
Sealing it wont stop the crack from spreading.

You need to terminate the crack at both ends then seal it.

This has been gone over many times in the DIY section.


~ = crack
o = drill point

o~~~~~~~~~~~~o drill a tiny hole at both ends of the crack this stops the crack spreading as it has no where left to go. Once done get a sheet of glass that covers the crack by abuot 2-4" on each side and silicon it over the top.

That is the only way of stopping it spreading and making it watertight again.

Oh ok then, thanks for the help :)

I would post in the DIY section or read the pinned topics over there. They are quite useful when it comes to repairing tanks.
Sorry, I did have a quick look in the DIY section though.
I'll have a better look next time if something like this happens again

This is good advice, I'd do this is if it really is a crack and not a scratch. If it's a crack, it will go all the way through from the inside of the glass to the outside and you'll be able to see the broken edges of glass when viewed from an angle. A scratch won't cause you any problems unless you give it a good heat shock (which is why you don't want to pour boiling water into fishtanks to disinfect them).

Im still a bit unsure if it is a crack or a scratch. Im pretty sure it is a crack, because if you run your finger across it, you can defantly feel the sharp egde and a indent, however if you do the same under the glass panel, you cannot feel anything. It looks like a scatch though.

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