Small Crack In Tack?!?


New Member
Oct 8, 2006
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UK (South-coast)
I was redoing one of my aquariums, when I noticed a small crack on the bottom in the corner. I do not think it is a very deep crack since I haven’t had any leaks. I would just like to ask, would the crack get worse if I was not to seal it up, or should I seal it up? Also what do I seal the crack up with?
I'll try to get a photo later on, since its not very big, only about 2cm.
Thanks for reading.
I was redoing one of my aquariums, when I noticed a small crack on the bottom in the corner. I do not think it is a very deep crack since I haven’t had any leaks. I would just like to ask, would the crack get worse if I was not to seal it up, or should I seal it up? Also what do I seal the crack up with?
I'll try to get a photo later on, since its not very big, only about 2cm.
Thanks for reading.

i would try to seal it anyway just incase. you should be able to get aquarium sealent at just about any decent lfs. iits basically a silicon glue if i remember correctly.
i would try to seal it anyway just incase. you should be able to get aquarium sealent at just about any decent lfs. iits basically a silicon glue if i remember correctly.

Ok then, I'll try have a look for some today. Do you know how much it costs?
Thanks for your reply :)
if water gets in the crack, it'll expand (because it's hot) which may end up making the crack larger... Best bet is to seal it :good:
if water gets in the crack, it'll expand (because it's hot)

That's rubbish. You need to be permanently quiet PWR, IMHO. If you don't know anything about it, then don't say anything at all, please?

Listen, Dannie, just keep a close eye on whether the water level drops. If it doesn't then DO worry about
If it is a crack and not a sliver of glass come away, putting silicon around it will not stop it from spreading further. Cracks in glass usually "creep" further along; the safest solution is to replace the cracked panel completely.
Sealing it wont stop the crack from spreading.

You need to terminate the crack at both ends then seal it.

This has been gone over many times in the DIY section.


~ = crack
o = drill point

o~~~~~~~~~~~~o drill a tiny hole at both ends of the crack this stops the crack spreading as it has no where left to go. Once done get a sheet of glass that covers the crack by abuot 2-4" on each side and silicon it over the top.

That is the only way of stopping it spreading and making it watertight again.

if water gets in the crack, it'll expand (because it's hot)

That's rubbish. You need to be permanently quiet PWR, IMHO. If you don't know anything about it, then don't say anything at all, please?

Listen, Dannie, just keep a close eye on whether the water level drops. If it doesn't then DO worry about

You should take your own advise also. Dont give info about something you guessed at!
if water gets in the crack, it'll expand (because it's hot)

That's rubbish. You need to be permanently quiet PWR, IMHO. If you don't know anything about it, then don't say anything at all, please?

Listen, Dannie, just keep a close eye on whether the water level drops. If it doesn't then DO worry about

First off, if you ever took sience class, you'd know that when a liquid is heated it expands into a gas formation, if liquid is heated in a glass bottle without any escape for the gas, the bottle will explode because of the pressure, the same result could happen very easily with the tank... same as if the water is too cold, you need to gain a little more knowledge before you go around telling people to keep permanently quite.
And liquid is often heated in a fish tank to the point where it expands - and of course fish tanks are always totally airtight, preventing the escape of the gas.......


Quite clearly, otherwise one would have dead fish - since to heat water to the point it becomes a gas is well over the temp fish will live in.

Cracks in tanks if it is a true crack and not a scratch, will creep because the glass in a tank is under stress - its holding all that mass of water IN.....
regardless, not ALL gases escape from your aquarium, especially depending on the substrate you are using... aswell, having an airpump with a circular disc or anything that is burried in the substrate, some air will end up gathering under the substrate and will only be released by stiring the substrate, especially if using sand... If said air gets into said crack, and the air heats and expands, it could prove fatal to the tank and cause a larger crack...

PWR..... go back to your science class buddy.

The air would have to be completely trapped to crack the glass. No fishtank provides that.
The air would have to be MUCH hotter to crack the glass. Again, 20 -30c is not going to do that.

Have you seen how hot air rises upwards? So if you did heat it sufficiently for it to expand enough to crack the glass, it would rise upwards, through the sand, away from the glass. If compressed air (which it would have to be given according to you its trapped and expanding) is strong enough to crack the glass (and yes, it is..... ), it would find an easier way out.

Please, please believe me - what you are saying is just. not. possible. in. a. fishtank. Period. Ever.
My friend had a similar problem, I wouldn't be able to leave it there without fixing it though. Might as well get the sealant and fix it up.

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