Fish Crazy
I have 2 small 1" and 1 small 2" CLOWNS in my 29 gallon at the moment waiting for my 55 to cycle so they's can be put in there to grow, my question is I'm feeding flake food, frozen brine shrimp and freeze dried blood worms but it seems that they don't come up and eat. They seem to be real healthy and pick around on the pool sand, are they scavangers more than top feeders? Also I will be going to Wally World to pick up some veg's to feed them what are some of the best to get to feed. I know you are suppose to blanch the vegetables before adding to tank, can I boil water on the stove and just place them in the water for 10 or 15 sec to get them soft?, I don't want to microwave them I figure stove and boiling water might be best and healthier. I also know that a 55 will eventually be way to small for my CLOWNS however my boss has a 150 gallon tank he's setting up this year and said when they get to big he'll take them, since they are one of his favorite fish also, if not I'll get me a 90 gallon to put them in some days.