small cichlids with goldfish


New Member
Apr 17, 2004
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I have a 29 gallon warm aquarium with a comet goldfish and a black moor goldfish, both adults, at least 3 inches in length for the comet and probably around 3 inches for the black moor. I know it is warm water, but this is because I had many other tropical fish in there that I just moved to another aquarium. They have been happily living in there for many years now so im sure they are okay with the warm water (I had no where else to put them). I was wondering if it would be okay to get some smaller cichlids that are not aggressive and put them in with the two goldfish. These two goldfish are huge, so even dwarf cichlids would still be smaller (my friend has a couple adult rams who are nearing the end of their short life spans) and they are only about 3/4 as long and they dont have the width of the goldfish. So the goldfish will definitely be a lot larger. So I was wondering if this was possible to have cichlids and goldfish living together. But I am talking very small cichlids and 2 very large goldfish. If this is possible, then I was wondering what types of cichlids would suite this environment, which I'm sure is an odd one. ;) Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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I don't know a whole lot about cichlids, but from what I've heard of them, I wouldn't mix them with goldfish. I bought four small cichlids (perhaps an inch and a half in length at most) and was thinking of putting them with two quite large (about the size that you mentioned, possibly larger), but I was warned strongly against it by more than one person. Apparently, considering the more mild temperament of the goldfish to that of the cichlids, your goldfish may get picked on despite their size. I have also noticed when reading about different kinds of cichlids, they are usually only compatible with other cichlids--even the more mild tempered ones. So like I say, IMO you shouldn't combine them with goldfish.
Please answer this thread in the identical post in Tropical Chit Chat where it has had several replies already. :)

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