small bully


Fish Addict
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
All was well at first, but now I have one rainbow that has taken a liking to my angels tail. Im not sure what to do. If I move him to the other tank, Ill have to move the rest of the rainbows, because they are schooling fish. Plus I will not have a hospital tank available anymore. What I have done is stick my hand in when I see him moving for her, and he swims away. Do you think I can sort of train him to leave her alone by doing this?

Yes, they are smarter than you'd think, but I'm pretty sure that all he'll learn is to be afraid of you. When you're close to the tank, he'll hide, but you aren't near the tank all the time...
Well what should I do then? I thought that angel ( being a cichlid) would just defend herself if there were any problems, but she is not. She is a pretty sweet fish though. She spent most of her life with neons and didnt even eat them. :(

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