Small Animals?


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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Just out of curiosity....whats a animal that can live in a 10G cage, or a small cage that takes up about the size of a 10g?
My parents might let me put my nano downstairs, which'll give me a little space to keep a small animal/rodent.
No mice, but maybe a hamster? Not a bird...dang, i do wish i could have a bird.
Something somewhat quiet..
Any suggestions...thanks.
I'd also prefer for it to be on the cheaper side..
A dwarf hamster would probably do pretty well in a 10g. Mice do ok too, so long as it is only one and you clean them and exersize them plenty (they'd probably appreciate a cage-topper, too). I would strongly reccomend against a gerbil; most reputable sites I've seen suggest at least 20g as they're fairly large and like plenty of deep bedding. Definately not a rat; rats should never be kept in aquariums as they are prone to respitory conditions that are made worse by the bedding.
If you want something more alternative... a hissing cockroach, tarantula, african millipede, small frog, scorpion, etc. could also survive decently in that space.
Haha, the thing is my folks say no.
I'm also thinking of a small cage, the aqurium was just an idea incase I didn't find a cheap cage.
I've been looking at petco, petsmart and walmart, and nothing has cought my attention really.
Any Ideas?
Well Ive seen cages that are really good for hamsters for 20bucks. A dwarf hamster is excellent for a small animal. If your looking for cheap its better to shop online these days. Free shipping on some sites. I found this one that has free shipping on :

It looks good enough for a dwarf hamster. You can also connect tubes add more things to make it bigger if you want...

-Arrowhead :ninja:
If you want something for cuddling a syrian would be best. Pocket rockets are not ideal for holding!!
Syrian hamsters get to 7-8inchs long, keeping one in a 10gal tank is very cruel, in the wild they have terotorys of up to 2miles and are very active animals- the only rodent i'd put in a 10gal would be a mouse at the most.
10gal tank is also too small for any birds out there.

Birds and rodents aside, i think a 10gal tank would be most suited to an insect/bug or frog of some type, might not be half as cuddly, but you want the creatures to be happy, soo...
^ Def. not gerbils. As I allready stated above, they need a min. of 20g each as they need several inches of digging space are quite large. I think the only things for a 10g would be a dwarf hamster, as they stay pretty tiny, a mouse, but only if you can provide a cage-topper (and I think a dwarf hamster wouldn't mind one either) or out of cage exersize. Really insects, arachnids, and sm. frogs are best for that size space. And definately no birds, esp. since most of the smallest ones (finches etc) are not tame enough for out of cage time, and thus require an aviary-style cage.

I wouldn't suggest the SAM play place either, honestly. It is nice and flashy looking, but I know from experience that they break easily, have many places where the animal can chew out or get pinned, have poor ventillation, and wire floors. Wire floors are a HUGE no-no with rodents, as they like to burrow, not to mention it can snap off their little feet. Petco/Petsmart sell a lot of fancy designer type cages that look appealing to the eye, but frankly, no chewing animal should live in an environment made completely out of plastic; def. recipie for disaster.

I'd like to again suggest a cage topper. They are a one or two story wire "cage" that attaches to your average 10g aquarium. It gives the animal more space, and more ventillation. One of the biggest problems with aquariums, even though they are wonderfully secure and have a stable temp, is constantly breathing bedding dust and ammonia. A cage-topper lets the animal escape these things.

Also, for my mice, I took those connecting tunnels and chambers, and buried them UNDER the bedding, with one or two entrances. They love the security of getting "under ground," and sleep in the little chambers at night. It helps them keep warm, and provides an extra feeling of safeness for them. I strongly reccomend trying it; I can post picture if you'd like to see how I did it.
Who said anything aboyut keeping a bird in a 10G? That'd be...interesting...

I guess I'm thinking of a dwarf hamster...
I don't like the colorful plastic cages because I think they're too distracting. They make your eyes sore when you focus on the hamster, when he runs all through his tunnels.
Just out of curiousity, I've seen some of those 'hamster' cages, and they have tunnels that go vertical. Can a hamster climb a plastic tube vertically?
I don't think anyone means keeping a big in a 10g, I think we meant, "don't use that space to fit a comparably sized bird cage as no bird would fit in it." They sell some really pititfully tiny bird cages, I'm afriad.
If you put a dwarf hamster in 10gal it will need an excercise wheel in there 24/7 as hamsters exercise themselves according to how much they eat, on top of that and a house, food box, wood chipping bedding plus tissue bedding, hamster food and extra vegetables and water dispenser you will need to take the hamster out and play with it every day for at least 30mins minimum and let it run around a bit to stretch its back/legs as hamsters can grow wild very quickly if not taken out of their cages regually. Adding some tubing to the tank will help add more area for the hamster to explore but they are escape artists so you will need to devise a plan to stop it climbing out of the tank.
All in all though i still think a 10gal is too small for rodents, hamsters can quite literally go insane if their enviroment does not kept them occupied enough, they are very intelligent animals you see.

You also have to remember many cages sold for hamsters are too small for them, just like how people sell those 1/4gal betta setup permanent homes except worse. I wouldn't get anything smaller than 2ft long by 2ft high personally for a dwarf hamster, but i've kept hamsters for years now and i wouldn't dream of putting them in anything less.
Just out of curiosity....whats a animal that can live in a 10G cage, or a small cage that takes up about the size of a 10g?
My parents might let me put my nano downstairs, which'll give me a little space to keep a small animal/rodent.
No mice, but maybe a hamster? Not a bird...dang, i do wish i could have a bird.
Something somewhat quiet..
Any suggestions...thanks.
I'd also prefer for it to be on the cheaper side..

If your talking of a 10 gallon aquarium, I don't reccommend putting anything but Fish in them...
Thats what there made for, there isn't enough Ventilation in one for anything else, Even with a Top with Holes in it.

You mentioned Birds, and wanting Something Quiet :lol: :fun: Your "KIDDING" Right?
I've got Birds and they aren't Quite: Believe me.
If you don't like Noise a bird isn't for you... But if you like Cheerful Chirping and Squawking when your any where near them: Then their the Pet for you.

But their not the kinda Pet that you can just shove away somewhere when you tire of them. They need daily attention to truly be Happy, They can go litterally "BONKERS" Without attention.

I rescued a Budgie one time SOME "SCUM" Sucker got tired of the Bird and put it and his Cage out in the Garbage, to be CRUSHED.
I seen it sitting by the side of the road and stopped and Picked it up...

It was one of the Happiest little Birds I ever had. It died a few Months Latter of Cancer, But I Thank God for the time I had with him.
The person was lucky I didn't know who did it Or I'd put some serious Hurt on them, YOU DO NOT get a animal, then just throw it in the Trash for Cryin out Loud. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

At least be Kind enough to find a Home for it, Or take it to A Shelter. There is NO EXCUSE for this kind of thing.

But for your Size restrictions I'd say A Dwarf Hamster would do Nicely, But my favorite is Mice, But I know you said you can't Have them.

Anyway Show your LOVE to your Pet, and watch all the LOVE you'll Get in RETURN... :nod:

Who said anything aboyut keeping a bird in a 10G? That'd be...interesting...

I guess I'm thinking of a dwarf hamster...
I don't like the colorful plastic cages because I think they're too distracting. They make your eyes sore when you focus on the hamster, when he runs all through his tunnels.
Just out of curiousity, I've seen some of those 'hamster' cages, and they have tunnels that go vertical. Can a hamster climb a plastic tube vertically?

The answer to this Is a Deffinent "YES" and they Love them, I've had Hamsters in cages like this and they Never tired of it.

I take it your talking about a Habitrail type cage?

The only thing I don't like is Cleaning the Tubes, but then A good Bottle Brush helps with that Chore. :)
You mentioned Birds, and wanting Something Quiet :lol: :fun: Your "KIDDING" Right?
I've got Birds and they aren't Quite: Believe me.
If you don't like Noise a bird isn't for you... But if you like Cheerful Chirping and Squawking when your any where near them: Then their the Pet for you.
If you'd actually read what I'd said, someone else thought that I ment I wanted to keep birds in a 10G, and I corrected them.
Now I'm correcting you. I did not say I wanted to keep a bird in a 10G, like I said, that'd be obvoiusly bad.
tarantulas, pretty, very quiet and quite happy in a 10g (as long as you get a medium sized, land dwelling one. :wub: :wub: :wub: perfect I'd say.
You mentioned Birds, and wanting Something Quiet :lol: :fun: Your "KIDDING" Right?
I've got Birds and they aren't Quite: Believe me.
If you don't like Noise a bird isn't for you... But if you like Cheerful Chirping and Squawking when your any where near them: Then their the Pet for you.
If you'd actually read what I'd said, someone else thought that I ment I wanted to keep birds in a 10G, and I corrected them.
Now I'm correcting you. I did not say I wanted to keep a bird in a 10G, like I said, that'd be obvoiusly bad.

And if you would've READ what I had said.


Before telling Someone they should read, AND "UNDERSTAND" before POSTING...

You'd BETTER read and "UNDERSTAND" the others "YOURSELF"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(NUF SAID?) :p

This is suppose to be a Friendly Forum...

Not a Tit for Tat Forum.... "BUT" if Someone wants to Play that GAME, And snap at someone Who is responding to a Post for Advice as you did.

I can PLAY that GAME TO. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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