Small Algae Eaters


Fish Fanatic
Jul 24, 2011
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I'm in search of an algae eater for my 40L tank. Currently I have a 6 month old short-fin albino bristlenose, but this will obviously need to be moved into a larger tank eventually. Is there any type of algae eater that wouldn't out grow the tank size? It does have a fair problem with algae, and the bristle nose was in control of it until I moved other fish into the tank? The tank is kept at a consistent 26oC
Possibly a trio of otocinclus, or a apple/ mystery snail.
I like the sound of the ottos, but not really interested in snails. Have to sort out the LFS because I don't think I've come across any so far. Is a trio the minimum? What size group are they happiest in?
there very social fish so 3+

personally i love them. iv got a pair of them in a 20L. they seem happy. but they like larger groups

im useing amano shrimp and oto's to keep my algae down
Only shrimp I can get where I am are Cherry Reds and Crystal red/blacks. I'll search for some oto's and see how that goes.
Otocinclus definitely! The more the merrier, I have 4 in my 30 ltr tank and they're extremely active. Stared with 2 initially and they bought another 2 and they are much happier.

Chinese sucking loaches are also brilliant algae eaters, and have a huge appetite for their size, but can be slightly aggressive when they reach maturity, so be careful if putting them with small or timid fish.
yeah, ottos all the way! 2 of them eat the same amount per day as a BN pleco yet produce 1/2 of the poop that a bn would!

plus theyre cute!
Hi I have 2 pro's and noticed 1 is looking a little red on the underside of his head is this normal? He's happily picking away at the courgette I added and also the decorations in the tank? Thanks
Oto's would be good but they can be a bit fragile & do best in groups.
They do need other food apart from any algae you have.
Mine love courgette, green beans & broccoli stalks

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