Small Albino Catfish, What Are They Like..


Jan 8, 2007
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I am planning on buying 2 albino cat fish, that only grow to about 5cm long.

My LFS have a special on them at the moment, and the girl said they are excellent bottom scavangers and they are a clean up crew.

They like to school, so she said I need to buy 2.

Has anyone ever had them before?

Do they grow bigger than that?

Will they attack my Bristlenose or any other fish?


P.S I didnt know what section to put this in because I dont know what type of catfish they are.
ive got two bronze which are basically exactly the same as yours but a different colour, they play with each other and are very happy. they are in with three mollies two amano shrimp and a bristlenose plec and everything is fine. they are very placid fish and compliment plecs very well as far as cleaning the tank goes.

good choice of fish, you'l get to love them

to be honest im planning on getting a couple more but wanted albino and not all bronze but they do seem really happy, normal cory behaviour.

Ok. I will get at least 3.

They are only AU$1.99 at the moment which is dirt cheap. They are LFS fish of the month.

Do they mainly dwell at the bottom of do they come up to the top of the tank?

Thanks for the input.
they shouldn't attack the bristlenose. although i didn't ever think the bristlenose fish was very social?

my friend has one, he loves it, he has had it for a few years now. and it's full grown and lonly about that long. it's kinda cute for a white fish. :good:
Yeah the BN is definitly not social, especially mine. :blink:
I got the same deal Rhiannon if your going by Petstocks deal of $2.50 for albino catfish I bought some so cheap for cories in Aus!
Hahaha! Yes I am. They have gone up to 2.50, but I brought 3. They were $1.99 the other week.

Which one do you go to? I go to Lilydale, although I have just seen one open in Bayswater North.

We must be close to one another...
rhi - they do spend most there time scaveging at the bottom of the tank and swimming around together. But, they do "jet" up to the top to grab a bit of air. It's pretty funny to watch as they go swimming up there as fast as they can adn then go straight back down!
Be sure to get them some sinking pellets or tablets as they won't it flakes up at the top. hope you are having fun with them!

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