Small Africains?


New Member
Mar 15, 2004
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Hello I was wondering if there was any kind of Africain i can keep a trio 1 male 2 females in a 10 gallon for breeding and species/Habitat Tank. Looking to recreate it like a section of the river or lake?
ok i havent posted on TFF for ages but ok..

Really not very many cics can fit in a 10gal really the best thing u could get would be shell dwellers
there are several post like this in here and i believe the only thing you could fit in is a pair of shell dwellers or maybe dwarf shelldweller(??not sure if dwarf one) shell dwellers tend not to be colorfull but are sposed to have great personalities, i haven't done reaearch and this is just what iv'e read on hear so look around there are many similar threads
vantgE said:
there are several post like this in here and i believe the only thing you could fit in is a pair of shell dwellers or maybe dwarf shelldweller(??not sure if dwarf one) shell dwellers tend not to be colorfull but are sposed to have great personalities, i haven't done reaearch and this is just what iv'e read on hear so look around there are many similar threads
Right you are!

Thanks for the heads-up!

Back to pondering that empty 10g...
shelldwellers will definately work. One of my fav. fish too. peace.....


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